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Catriona Rowntree reveals her cure for jet lag and other travel hacks

Catriona Rowntree has scoped out the most envious destinations over her 25 years on Getaway.
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From Canberra to Canada, Catriona Rowntree has scoped out some of the most envious destinations over her 25 years on Getaway. While racking up frequent flyer points, the 51-year-old has also gained enough know-how to fill an overhead locker. TV WEEK sat down with the travel guru to get her top tips for flying and more.

From Canberra to Canada, Catriona Rowntree has scoped out some of the most envious destinations over her 25 years on Getaway.

(Credit: Getty)

Have you found a way to cure jet lag?

CR: Use your phone to find out what the time is where you’re going to and plan your sleep according to that. The day you leave, go for a walk, and try to get as much vitamin D as you can. When you land, repeat that. Don’t fall asleep until after 8pm, don’t nap during the day, and avoid leaving your phone by your bed (the blue light isn’t your friend). If all else fails, wear white on arrival so you don’t look so tired.

How do you get sleep on long-haul flights?

CR: Avoid sugar (sorry, not too much wine), caffeine and wild children. I have my own ear plugs and mask. And I find magnesium tablets are helpful for sleep.

How do you make the most of your packing space?

CR: I prep a week before I leave: I add, I subtract, take nothing that needs to be ironed, stuff socks into shoes, stick to three colours and add a fold-out bag (like a Longchamp) in case I do extra shopping. I also use either Lapoche travel bags to compartmentalise or these pretty embroidered lingerie bags I got in Vietnam. Everything has its place.

To avoid jet lag, Catriona says, “use your phone to find out what the time is where you’re going to and plan your sleep according to that. The day you leave, go for a walk, and try to get as much vitamin D as you can.”

(Credit: Getty)

What’s your top itinerary planning hack?

CR: Go to Instagram, hashtag where you’re going, see what’s popular, what they’re wearing and what’s respectful. Then

look up the weather app to see what temperatures you’re heading into. Boom, your phone is key!

Do you have any tricks to get upgraded in hotels?

CR:Join the corresponding hotel club – it’s free. Work with a travel agent and ask them to milk their contacts, and always dress as though you belong in first class. No-one was ever upgraded wearing a tracksuit.

What do you always pack in your carry-on?

CR: Wet Ones, a Band-Aid, Lanolips, a moisture spritzer, hand sanitiser (Bondi Wash), emery board, Panadol and magnifying mirror (Change Skincare has a light-up one). For OS, I do pack extra knickers, deodorant, Clarins’ Beauty Flash Balm, socks and Cetaphil wipes. Anything to avoid the cabin loo.

To help your chances of a hotel upgrade, Catriona says: “Work with a travel agent and ask them to milk their contacts, and always dress as though you belong in first class.”

(Credit: Getty)

What’s your top tip for getting a flight upgrade?

CR: Dress as though you belong in first class. Trust me, no-one has ever been upgraded wearing thongs, a onesie, exercise clothes or Uggs.

What snacks do you pack to eat on board?

CR: I don’t. I respect border security laws!

What type of meal do you order on a flight?

CR: I used to do all this – pre-book meals etc – but I always get food envy. I avoid carbs. I like the little salami sticks they offer on Jetstar, and no-one ever seems to offer plain olive oil! Please, call Cobram, they’ll sort you out.

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