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Tech-savvy Queen Elizabeth personally tweets 90th birthday thanks

Forget letter writing! The Queen's choice of thank you card was very modern indeed...
Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth has proven she’s the very model of a modern monarch by sending out her birthday thanks in a very tech-savvy way.


Instead of the usual handwritten letter, the Queen has taken to Twitter to thank people for her wonderful 90th birthday celebrations!

Writing from a desk more fancy than we’ve ever used, from a computer tablet propped up on a stand, the 90-year-old thanked everyone for her birthday messages.

She wore a bright-pink floral ensemble to mark the occasion.

How tweet is this? Queen Elizabeth gets her royal Twitter on.


“I am most grateful for the many digital messages of goodwill I have received,” the monarch wrote.

“I would like to thank you all for your kindness. Elizabeth R.”

Queen Elizabeth has always seemed wary of technology, until now.

Don’t worry, it won’t bite!


And just incase no one believed Elizabeth really wrote the tweet herself, Kensington Palace posted a hilarious follow-up tweet.

“This tweet was personally sent by Her Majesty The Queen.”

Check out another tech-savvy royal, Prince William, talking about his fears for the future when it comes to the internet. Post continues.

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The message was shared alongside a photo of the Queen performing her technological triumph.

And the post was a huge success.

Her thoughtful message has been “favourited” more than 3000 times in one hour, with several followers expressing how thrilled they were.

Queen Elizabeth, pictured with her husband Prince Philip, had a marvelous time at her birthday celebrations, and wanted to thank everyone.


“Oh my god, Queenie,” one follower wrote. “I love you.”

“God bless you, Your Majesty,” another said. “A true inspiration and the greatest servant of this Realm.”

It seems many of the royals are breaking with tradition and embracing modern times.

Just last week Prince William made history by being the first royal ever photographed for the cover of a gay magazine, Attitude.


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