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Sarah’s meltdown: Stress & the city

With growing work pressures, twin babies crying for her attention and the memory of her husband’s alleged affair, Sarah Jessica Parker has too much on her plate. Jackie Brygel reports.

The pressure of being a mother to three young children, including twin baby girls, as well as a wife, movie star and film producer, is taking its toll on Sarah Jessica Parker.

As the 44-year-old style icon attempts to juggle an exhausting work and home life, there are fears that she has finally hit breaking point. Currently working impossibly long hours playing Carrie Bradshaw on the New York set of the Sex And The City movie sequel, the star’s stressed-out demeanour has landed her a cruel new nickname on set.

“Crew members have taken to calling her ‘Carrie Sadshaw’,” a production source reveals. “When she doesn’t have to be ‘on’ in her scenes, she looks pathetic. It’s like watching a balloon being deflated. She’ll have little cries by herself.”

In the past, Sarah Jessica has spoken out about her intense desire to achieve a good balance between her career and her personal life, but it seems that the problem has only become worse.

“There are times when it’s totally terrific, and there are times when I’m like, ‘Oh God, I’d better run in the other direction’,” she has said of her high-pressure lifestyle, which has even seen fans staking out her neighbourhood.

While Sarah wants nothing more than to be a loving mother to James, 6, and twin daughters Marion and Tabitha — who were born on June 22 via a surrogate mother — the kids are seeing far more of their nannies than their mum.

“Sarah tries to keep it professional, but you can really tell she’s struggling to cope with motherhood,” observes a set insider. “She works long hours and, let’s be honest, she’s no spring chicken.”

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