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After months of rumours, Sarah Roberts has bravely told the truth about her split from James Stewart

Why they really hid their divorce.
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They fell in love on Australia’s iconic soap Home And Away, but like every good TV romance, James Stewart and Sarah Roberts’ relationship has been shaken up by drama and, now, a sad divorce.

In a brave interview, Sarah, 39, finally addressed rumours that had been swirling for months, confirming the couple settled their divorce five weeks ago, as she confessed that she had been “afraid” to talk about the split until now due to “stigma and shame”.

The pair fell in love in late 2017 and married in July 2019. (Image: Getty)


“What I’ve learned from this journey of becoming a divorcee is that it’s so important to reach out to others who have experienced similar things and not hide in the shadows,” she bravely told Stellar of the breakdown of her five-year marriage.

“I hid for a very long time. There were times when I didn’t feel like I could see the light or a way out of these big, complex emotions that I was feeling. But I hope that by just being honest today, I’ll free myself, and potentially free a lot of other people, to be able to speak their truth”.

According to a friend of the couple, the pair did their best to make it work but ultimately grew in different directions.

“James has been confronted with similar personal issues he encountered when he was with former partner Jess Marais – he tried to resolve those issues back then, but sadly, the same problems arose,” reveals a friend, adding that Sarah lost herself in the relationship.

“The real reason they stayed together, even when the cracks were showing, was James’ 11-year-old daughter Scout – she is the apple of Sarah’s eye, and in the end, Sarah realised not even this special little girl could save their marriage.”

“I didn’t only choose to marry a man, I also chose to marry his daughter,” Sarah said of James’ child Scout. (Image: Instagram)


Just like James’ relationship with Jess, he met and fell in love with Sarah on set and proposed after a year at the restaurant where they enjoyed their first date. Tying the knot in the idyllic Luttrellstown Castle on the outskirts of Dublin in July 2019, it seemed like the pair were set to grow old together, and their split has rocked friends.

“A lot of the Home And Away cast and crew are shocked by their split – there was a real sense on set that Sarah and James were the real deal, especially when it came to their deep love and commitment to young Scout,” tells the insider.

“If Sarah could’ve made it work for the sake of Scout, then she would’ve moved mountains but their relationship problems were just too complex, and in the end, the love died and both, bruised and wounded, decided to go their separate ways.”

The couple were also living increasingly separate lives, with Sarah often travelling alone and attending industry events on her own, while James, 48, stayed at home.

“Sarah has always had huge dreams of wanting to venture abroad and take her career to the US and James wasn’t a fan – his first priority is all about Scout, and he knows right now more than anything that she needs her father, especially as she gets into her teenage years,” says the source.

And while James is said to be knocked by the split, he’s moving forwards, appearing on the upcoming Dancing With The Stars.

“James is the sort of person who won’t like being single for long – there’s plenty of interest, no doubt from a couple of the industry’s single ladies, so it’ll be interesting where his heart lands,” says the insider.

“Whoever it is will require Scout to give her approval, and considering how much she loves Sarah, it could be awhile before her dad meets someone else.”

James with his daughter Scout. (Image: Getty)

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