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Sandra’s heartbreak — My baby dreams are over

Sandra’s heartbreak — My baby dreams are over

As yet more women tell of their affairs with her husband, friends say Sandra Bullock is also grappling with the sad realisation she’ll never have a baby of her own.

Only days before the bombshell news that Jesse James had cheated on her with tattooed stripper Michelle McGee, Sandra Bullock was deliriously happy.

She had just won the Best Actress Oscar for her starring role in The Blind Side and was madly in love with her husband, the very same man who looked on with tears in his eyes as she gave her heartfelt acceptance speech.

But the icing on the cake for Sandra was the belief that her dream of having a baby of her own could be a possibility. She already loved Jesse’s three children from his two prior marriages — Chandler, 15, Jesse Jr., 12, and Sunny, 6 — as if they were her own (see box, over page) and wanted to add to her family.

Today, as Sandra hides from the world, the 45-year-old actress is said to be mourning more than the devastating betrayal and impending end to her marriage.

Only last year, she declared, “I met Jesse and I went, ‘Wow!’ There’s a feeling of wanting to procreate because I love someone, and I see him to be a good father.”

Those words have come back to haunt her. Until the affair news dropped, she was still trying to have a baby by the man who had been repeatedly cheating on her.

Sandra was “trying to get pregnant right up until she discovered Jesse had been unfaithful,” a friend has revealed, adding that the actress suffered two painful miscarriages during her five-year-marriage to Jesse.

“Having a baby with the man she loved so much was the most important thing in the world to Sandra,” the friend says. “And for him to take that dream away is just the ultimate betrayal, maybe even worse than the cheating.”

Another friend described Sandra’s pain as “as bad as when her mother died” in 2000 and that unlucky-in-love Sandra only dared to dream of a child of her own since meeting Jesse and, soon after, falling pregnant.

Just months after their July 2005 wedding, the friend claims Sandra conceived, but she lost the baby soon afterwards. Then in mid-2008, she suffered another devastating miscarriage.

“Sandra wanted to be a mum so badly. When she miscarried, Jesse wasn’t as supportive as she would have liked. He’d say, ‘Oh well, it wasn’t meant to be,’ which she thought was insensitive. Although she was heartbroken, she stayed brave and kept trying.”

Read the full story in this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale March 29, 2010.

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