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Samantha Markle shares a dramatic New Year’s warning for sister Meghan: “Sweeten your disposition”

Meghan's estranged sister is putting in her two cents worth...
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As the New Year gets underway, many of us are thinking about ways we can put our best foot forward for 2019.

But when it comes to Duchess Meghan, it seems someone else has already thought about it for her.

Samantha Markle, the 53-year-old estranged sister of the newly minted royal has shared a stark warning for her ahead of the New Year, and it’s a little, well, dramatic.

Samantha Markle has put in her two cents worth on her royal sister’s behaviour. (Images: Getty (L), Jeremy Vine (R))

In an interview with The Daily Star, Samantha delivered a stark warning to her royal sibling, telling her to “pay tribute” to those who have helped her the most, “such as her dad”.

“Thank him for your college education, your career, building every stage you set foot on, but really appreciate the people that care about you,” she said.

She also said pregnant Meghan should “count her blessings and reflect moving forward in the new year” as well as “pay that gratitude forward to your children so that they also thank you”.

Um, awkward?

WATCH: Samantha Markle discusses why she wasn’t invited to royal wedding. Post continues…

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The 53-year-old was put on a “fixated persons” list by the police who believed she posed a reputation risk to the royal family after months of subtle digs at the Duchess following her wedding to Prince Harry in May.

During her latest interview, Markle couldn’t resist a final dig at her sister, saying that she should eat more chocolate in order to “sweeten her disposition”.


Samantha Markle has launched a personal tirade on her sister. (Source: Getty)

Samantha is even taking things so far as to write an entire book about her experience with Meghan.

Titled In The Shadows Of The Duchess, the memoir will “hold nothing back” and will expose all of Meghan’s alleged “lies”, Markle told The Daily Sun.

She claimed that the world “does not know the total truth” about Meghan: “From lullabies to lies… they’re in my book,” she said.

Meanwhile, Meghan’s father Thomas Markle has also made multiple attempts via the press to contact his daughter, though his efforts have been slightly less scathing of late.

Thomas, who was behind those staged paparazzi shots ahead of Meghan and Harry’s wedding, has since seemed to turn a corner and is desperate to make amends with his daughter.

In December, Markle spoke out in an interview with Good Morning Britain with host Piers Morgan, explaining his attempts to get in touch with his 37-year-old daughter – to no avail.

“Every day I try to text her, I just haven’t received any comment back,” he told the hosts.

And in August, Thomas begged for one final chance to make amends with his daughter and new son-in-law after reports that the royal couple planned to visit the States.

The Sunday Express reported: “He wants to hug his daughter and tell her how very proud he is of her and how much he loves her.”

WATCH: Thomas Markle speaks out on daughter Meghan during Good Morning Britain interview:

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Samantha Markle herself has stepped in to try make peace between Meghan and Thomas, reportedly writing her a Christmas card pleading for her to reach out to her “very hurt” dad, according to News.com.au.

“Life is short and you know Dad is wonderful,” she wrote in the card.

“Please give him joy in his last years by showing that you love him. The time is NOW.”

Whether or not Samantha and Thomas’s relentless pleas are working, it seems the Duchess is choosing to stand her ground and surround herself with all things royal.

After spending Christmas Day in Sandringham with the Queen, Wills and Kate, Meghan is understood to have spent a quiet New Year’s eve with her husband Harry in an alcohol-free celebration.

With Meghan and Harry expecting their first child in the British spring, it remains to be seen if the royal baby will have a relationship with its estranged Markle relatives.

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