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Princess Mary’s daughter, Princess Josephine, injured in a horse riding accident

Princess Josephine, the daughter of Mary, Crown Princess of Denmark has been injured after falling off a horse over the weekend.
Princess Mary and Princess Josephine

A photograph of the four-year-old royal has emerged in the Danish press with her arm in a cast and resting in a sling while sporting a hospital wrist band.

While the cherubic tot looked a little shaken, her sling was lovingly decorated with get well messages.

Royalty Speaking, a royal watcher twitter account, reported the news on Twitter and wrote: “Little Princess Josephine broke her arm in a riding lesson on Sunday. She was seen with a cast following the fall.”

It looks like the horse riding trip was a family affair, with photos also emerging of Mary and Fred riding at their summer digs Gråsten Palace, which is located in the Jutland region of southern Denmark.

Here’s to a speedy recovery Princess Josephine!

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