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Prince William and Duchess Catherine’s sailing adventure

The royal pair will show off their love of boats for a second year running
Prince William Duchess Catherine

Prince William and Duchess Catherine have announced that they’re set to attend the America’s Cup World Series this year.

The royal pair were left disappointed last year when the event was postponed due to inclement weather.

Their visit will see them attending the Portsmouth base of Land Rover BAR, led by Sir Ben Ainslie, to oversee the team practicing hard in their testing boats.

They’ll also head to the America’s Cup Race Village to personally meet the teams competing in the historic race.

The pair have had a lot of experience with all things boats.

Duchess Catherine even crewed a round-the-world yacht trip on her gap year.

The future king and queen have already displayed their great love of boating several times.

Just a couple of months ago, Kate spent some time with Sir Ben on the America’s Cup test boat, where she got in the driver’s seat, charting the course the boat will take in the race.

The Duchess of Cambridge had a ball on Sir Ben’s test boat.

Wills is good, but he’s no match for his sea-loving wife.

Sir Ben confessed to Hello magazine that he was incredibly impressed with the 34-year-old mother of two’s skills.

“We were all really impressed, she’s clearly done a fair amount of sailing before. She had a feel for the boat.”

Watch Kate take on Wills with her superior sailing skills in the clip below! Post continues.

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Sir Ben continued. “It’s a really high powered racing machine and to be able to steer one of those at close to 40 mph for even a skilled sailor is a real challenge and she did a great job.

“We had a wonderful sail.

“She really enjoyed it. She certainly looked like she did. This is fantastic for the team to have her involvement and have her support,” he said.

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