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The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge set to announce their next big overseas tour!

When Catherine, William and Prince George came to Australia and New Zealand last year we were beyond excited and now it’s time for another county to come down with a serious case of royal fever.
The Duke and Duchess Cambridge and Prince George

According to Hello! magazine, a senior palace source has revealed that the future King and his Queen will set off on a giant royal tour in 2016.

Despite the excitement that surrounds any international royal tour there is a downside, with the source explaining that it’s doubtful Prince George and Princess Charlotte will accompany their mum and dad.

“It was a one-off to take George to Australia and New Zealand last year and it is looking highly unlikely they will take their children with them on their next tour,” the staffer told the mag.

Before adding: “We are looking at either spring or autumn, but have not ruled out the possibility of them doing both.”

As for the location, it is yet to be decided, however it is believed the Caribbean is a very strong contender.

The palace aide revealed: “We are aware of the report about the Caribbean, but the location is yet to be decided, there are other considerations, such as where the Foreign Office – who have a big say on these matters – want them to go.”

After their 2011 wedding The Duke and Duchess headed to Canada and the US and visited South-East Asia in 2012.

Since Princess Charlotte’s birth in Maythe pair, but in particular Catherine, have kept their personal and public duties to a minimum.

The mum-of-two is reported to be forgoing personal obligation to focus more heavily on her royal career.

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