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Prince Harry fixes family’s TV ahead of World Cup match

Prince Harry has proven he is quite the handyman while on tour in Brazil.

When visiting the village of El Vergel in Chile over the weekend, His Royal Highness savoured a spot of hard labour when he fixed a family’s TV so they could watch the World Cup.

The kind-hearted 29-year-old, who was touring the under privileged area which is being rebuilt after a devastating fire ripped through in April, repaired the television inside Coca Perez’s home just in time for the match between Brazil and Chile on Saturday.

“He looked at it and he started to fiddle with the cable,” Mrs Perez said.

“He managed to get it working so we could watch Chile playing Brazil later. Now I can tell everyone that Prince Harry is my TV repair man.”

After showing off his trade skills, the fourth in line to the throne who has been on an official tour of Brazil and Chile,  continued to view the fire ravaged community.

Related: Prince Harry plays sport with kids in Brazil

More than 10,000 people in the Valparaiso region were affected by the fire, including 20 per cent of all those living in slums.

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