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How the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will spend Christmas

Dividing time between relatives at Christmas is always a challenge and it’s no different for the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. How will they spend the holidays this year?

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have always tried to divide their time evenly between their two families, and this Christmas will be no different.

Following last year’s decision to spend Christmas at their newly-renovated Anmer Hall residence, William and Kate, along with Prince George and little Princess Charlotte, are expected to join the Queen at Sandringham House this year.

There, they will attend the traditional Christmas morning service at St Mary Magdalene Church on the monarch’s sprawling Norfolk estate, before returning to the main house for their Christmas lunch.

Last year, Kate and William chose to spend Christmas Day with Kate’s family, although they did attend the royal church service with the Queen.

It is not expected that the Middletons will be invited to attend this year’s Christmas at Sandringham House with the Queen.

They may, however, choose to wait at Anmer Hall for William and Kate to return with the children.

“It is highly unlikely that Kate’s family will be invited to the big Christmas lunch, or the famous Boxing Day shoot,” a royal insider told The Express.

“Perhaps one day they will be invited to the big house for tea, but not for lunch or dinner, and not on Christmas Day.”

While the Queen has bent the royal protocol rules at past events, Christmas engagements aren’t one of them.

“The Queen is fond of Kate and doesn’t mean to exclude her family – indeed she has broken many of the old rules for them in the past.

“But if all of her children and grandchildren’s wives had their families to lunch, there wouldn’t be enough room, even at Sandringham House’s dining room.”

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