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Why Duchess Catherine gave a rare public speech

Although she dazzles crowds with well-wishers often, it takes a topic close to Duchess Catherine’s heart to get her behind a podium to deliver a heartfelt speech.
Duchess Catherine

Catherine herself revealed that she has a real fear of public speaking, and as a result has only given very few speeches in the past, but the Duchess of Cambridge swallowed her anxieties and spoke out in the most touching way recently for a cause she cares about immensely.

The Duchess attended the Place2Be Headteacher Conference in London on Wednesday and she took the time to give a speech about the importance of children’s mental health.

“I often get asked why I decided to spend time highlighting the mental health of children,” she said to the crowd of influential educators, “I imagine my answer might be similar to many of yours. I know that I was lucky.”

“My parents and teachers provided me with a wonderful and secure childhood where I always knew I was loved, valued, and listened to. But of course many children are not so lucky,” the mum-of-two added.

Catherine has been a passionate advocate for mental illness ever since she became part of the royal family, and her fevered interest in the cause showed during her emotive speech.

“I am sure you will agree that all children deserve time, attention, and love from the adults in their lives,” she explained.

Duchess Catherine stunned in a dress featuring turquoise and gold beading at the collar and the cuffs.

“Many children – even those from stable, happy homes – are finding that their heads are just too full,” she said.

“It is our duty, as parents and as teachers, to give all children the space to build their emotional strength and provide a strong foundation for their future.”

The 33-year-old is a patron of the Place2Be charity which focuses on ensuring senior educators build children’s emotional resilience, so they aren’t weighed down by the pressures of life.

With two children, who’ll one day rule the United Kingdom, Catherine is no doubt making sure this philosophy is taught in her home too.

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