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Duchess Catherine’s emergency hospital dash!

The Duchess of Cambridge was rushed to hospital recently amid fears for her unborn royal baby.

Duchess Catherine, 33, was struck with severe stomach pains while Prince William was out of town. At seven months pregnant, she was faced with no choice but to head to London’s St Mary’s Hospital by ambulance, says a dramatic new report in a US magazine.

“Kate was seriously concerned about the pain,” reports Star. “She was doubled over in agony.”

Catherine has suffered intense illness throughout her pregnancy, which was marred by hyperemesis gravidarum, or intense morning sickness, for the first three months.

The pain was so bad that the Duchess was forced to cancel all public appearances and royal duties for some time.

As her pregnancy nears the due date she had been suffering from Braxton Hicks contractions, or phantom labour pains, for weeks – but this felt different.

After a terrifying dash from Kensington Palace – where she’s staying for the rest of the pregnancy – Kate was admitted under a cloak of secrecy as royal doctors deliberated whether her second child would arrive a worrying seven weeks early.

“At first they thought she was in labour but her contractions weren’t regular enough to warrant preparing for birth,” explains a source. “But she was nauseous and had terrible cramps.”

Kate was kept in overnight for observation, especially after it was discovered that the baby’s heart rate was slightly elevated.

Read all about Kate’s terrifying hospital dash and how Prince William is looking out for her now, only in Woman’s Day on sale 2nd March. 

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