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Catherine & William, Meghan & Harry throw their support behind the Black Lives Matter movement in a unique way

The royals have joined in taking a stand.
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Duchess Catherine, Prince William, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan have joined in taking a stand against systematic racism and thrown their support behind the Black Lives Matter movement.

As the world responds to the tragic murder of George Floyd in the United States, the royals have also taken a stand by sharing their own messages of support via key organisations they work with – and it’s a prime example of amplifying their influence in a positive way.

This week, the The Queen’s Commonwealth Trust, which is an entity presided by Prince Harry, with Meghan as vice-president shared a stirring statement on Twitter.

“Young people are vital voices in the fight against injustice and racism around the world. As a global community of young leaders we stand together in pursuit of fairness and a better way forward,” the statement read.

“Silence is not an option,” the Tweet continued.

In was accompanied by another quote from Martin Luther King: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.”

The supportive Tweet received over 1,000 likes and hundreds of re-Tweets as their following shared their support for the message.

Some fans even shared their own additional messages, with one Tweeting a quote from Meghan, who previously stated: “It’s really important that young women be reminded that their involvement matters..that their voice is heard. Even if it feels like it’s small, it really can make an impact.”

The quote in question was aligned with her work in empowering young, disadvantaged females for a better education – though the sentiment is just as relevant (and powerful) in this circumstance.

The Sussexes and Cambridges have united with the same sentiment amid the anti-racism protests across the world.


As for Prince William and Duchess Catherine, the pair’s own initiative, Heads Together, shared a message of support for the black community.

The campaign Instagram page shared a black tile with numbers to call and text for support, along with a detailed caption: “Heads Together stands with the black community. Today and every day.”

“This is a reminder to all that your mental health matters, and our charity partners are there for you if you need support. If you or someone you know is feeling distressed, overwhelmed, anxious or panicked, talking can help.”

Earlier this week, a viral video of Meghan from 2012 surfaced where she speaks candidly about being a mixed race woman.

“I’m bi-racial, most people can’t tell what I’m mixed with and so much of my life has felt like being a fly on the wall. And so some of the slurs that I’ve heard or the really offensive jokes, or the names, it’s just hit me in a really strong way,” she says in the video, which was filmed for an anti-racism campaign called I Wont Stand For Racism.

“And then, you know, a couple of years ago I heard someone call my mum the N word. So I think for me, beyond being personally affected by racism, just to see the landscape of what our country is like right now, and certainly the world, and to want things to be better.”

She continued: “Certain people don’t look at me and see me as a black woman or a biracial woman. They treat me differently, I think, than they would if they knew what I was mixed with, and I think that that is … I don’t know, it can be struggle as much as it can be a good thing depending on the people that you’re dealing with.”

Watch the video below:

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As the world continues to respond to the unjust death of George Floyd, protests have broken out across the United States, and the entire world.

In Australia, we continue to be reminded of the importance of educating and taking our own, positive steps towards eliminating systematic racism.

For more information about how you can help from Australia, you can read our article here, which includes links to further resources to inform and support.

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