Home Royals

Prince William and Kate Middleton at Dawn Service

In a surprise change to their schedule the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge attended the ANZAC War Memorial for the Dawn Service this morning.
Prince William and Kate Middleton at Dawn Service

Before dawn, thousands – young and old – gathered to mark this crucial commemoration of the men and women who bravely and selflessly gave their lives in battle.


Anzac Day traditionally begins with the Dawn Service at the memorial, a reminder of the dawn landing at Gallipoli in 1915. It’s a moving and extraordinary sight out here today and something that will no doubt deeply resonate with the Duke, whose brother Prince Harry served in Afghanistan for his country. The breadth of this service, which summons the spirit of ANZAC, takes place all over Australia – and the turn out for this national day of remembrance is a unique experience for the couple. Later they will attend the ANZAC march here and pay their own respects by laying a wreath.

Mr Peter Collas, President, ACT Branch RSL read the famous Ode, which never fails to affect.

“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them”

The royal couple then joined the crowd to repeat – “We will remember them” – before the sounding of the Last Post and the observance of one minute’s silence.


The service is a moment of pause and seriousness in this royal tour for the couple who are on their last day in Australia before the long flight back to London.

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