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Prince Harry’s moving tribute to Diana at AIDS Conferrence

The young royal recalled many of his mother's iconic moments as she tried to raise awareness for the HIV.
Prince Harry Princess Diana

Prince Harry has made a moving speech at the 2016 International AIDS conference where he recalled his mother’s tireless efforts to raise awareness of the disease.


He spoke of the need for everyone to remove the stigma of getting tested, just as his mother would have done.

“She started very punchy,” he said of his mother’s fight against AIDS. “She smashed the stigma around HIV on more than one occasion.”

“It had a huge impact on my life as well.”

See Prince Harry’s stirring speech urging people stamp out the stigma of HIV tests at the AIDS Conference below. Then, post continues.

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Prince Harry delivers his moving speech.

He went on to recall the powerful moment when Diana comforted a man who was dying of the horrific disease.

“When my mother held the hand of a man dying of AIDS in an East London hospital, no one would have imagined that just over a quarter of a century later treatment would exist that could see HIV-positive people live full, healthy, loving lives,” the 32-year-old Prince said.


The iconic moment when Princess Diana held the hands of a man infected with AIDS without a glove.

The royal met with many people who are trying to assist in stamping out the AIDS stigma.

“But thanks to the work of leaders in the fight against HIV – people like Nelson Mandela, Sir Elton John, the brave activists of TAG and ACT UP, people like Dr Peter Piot, and like my mother, Princess Diana – we have made huge progress.”

Just recently the young royal took an HIV test live on Facebook to show others how easy the process was.


Watch Prince Harry’s historic live Facebook video of the test below. Post continues!

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Prince Harry signed a wall dedicated to eradicating the disease with the message “Get tested! Why wouldn’t you? Harry”.

Sir Elton John joined forces with the Prince for the landmark conference.


Also in attendance for the conference was musician and renowned HIV activist Sir Elton John.

The Candle in the Wind singer recently praised Prince Harry’s efforts in raising awareness of the disease.

“Bravo Prince Harry!” he said. “Your mother would be so proud of you.”

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