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Neil Perry Q&A

**Q. What is your favourite food?

A.** I love noodles and pasta. Bad for the no-carb diet I know, but what can you do?

**Q. If you had 15 minutes to prepare, and five ingredients to whip up dinner, what would you make?

A.** Easy, a killer roast chook. Chook, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, freshly ground pepper and fresh lemon.

**Q. What is your pet hate in restaurants?

A.** Food not cooked to perfection, too much time spent fluffing and not concentrating on the process.

**Q. What is your worst cooking disaster?

A.** Cooking at a private home for 100 people, the oven blew up and we had to cook the roast duck on the bbq. That was after smoking the house out!

**When were you last genuinely surprised by a meal and why?

A.** Dinner at O Calcutta, Sydney. I love the restaurant and eat there often, but that night we were walking home from an early movie in Paddington and decided to grab a bite to eat. We walked past it on the way home, not expecting to be able to get in, and having no expectations of what we might eat that night. We sat down, Basil organised some dishes, and we had an absolute cracker.

**Q. What one cooking implement couldn’t you do without?

A.** A sharp cook’s knife.

**What dieting fad do you least agree with and why?

A.** No-carb diets. Eating all that protein can’t be good for you.

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