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Six DIY presents Meghan Markle can give The Queen that will rock the festive socks off her

Don’t worry Megs, we’ve got you sorted!
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There’s nothing more intimidating that spending Christmas with your new in-laws when you’ve only just officially joined the family.

What presents do you buy them all? Should you bake something to bring along? How do you politely tap out of the convo when you get cornered talking to a drunk relative?

So spare a though for the newly-minted Duchess of Sussex, who is gearing up to spend her second Christmas with The Royal Family at Sandringham.

In terms of celebrations, The Queen’s annual gathering is like the Hunger Games of Christmas shin-digs, drenched in rigid formalities, long-running traditions, strict protocol and a lot of mingling and polite small talk with senior members of the British monarchy. A very merry and intense Christmas indeed!

At least this year, Meghan will have Doria Ragland by her side for the jam-packed extravaganza after The Queen reportedly invited Meghan’s beloved mother to spend Christmas with the royals.

But perhaps the biggest conundrum Meghan is facing is what the devil to buy her grandmother in-law The Queen, aka the woman who has literally everything including a portfolio of palaces, ponies and purses.

Meg’s sister-in-law Duchess Catherine has set the bar high, revealing she loves to make The Queen her very own top-secret chutney recipe.

“I can remember being at Sandringham, for the first time, at Christmas. And I was worried what to give the Queen as her Christmas present,” Kate revealed in a documentary for The Queen’s 90th birthday in 2016.

“I was thinking, ‘Gosh, what should I give her?’ I thought back to what would I give my own grandparents. And I thought, ‘I’ll make her something.’ Which could have gone horribly wrong. But I decided to make my granny’s recipe of chutney. I was slightly worried about it, but I noticed the next day that it was on the table.”

“I think such a simple gesture went such a long way for me.”

For Meghan, the pressure is on to impress and outdo last year’s present.

As legend has it, the royals prefer to give each other gag presents or homemade gems and according to the Daily Star, in 2017 Prince Harry’s other half went all out with the tacky present brief and gifted The Queen a singing hamster.

It’s believed the gift was a smash hit with the Monarch, who reportedly chortled: “It can keep my dogs company!”

Yep, how do you top that?! Well, to make her life easier, we’ve taken a leaf out of Kate’s book and rounded up the best DIY presents the former Suits star can fashion all with her very own crafty hands.

Because let’s not forget, Kate might be the Queen of Chutney but before she met Harry, Meghan was the Ruler of the Wellness Blogosphere World!

What do you get the woman that has everything? (Image: Getty Images)

1. Calligraphy lessons

Long before she made it in Hollywood, Meghan’s side-hustle was working as a professional wedding calligrapher.

In 2013, she told Esquire of her hidden talent: “Calligraphy was [my] pseudo-waitressing job. I didn’t wait tables. I did calligraphy for the invitations for, like, Robin Thicke and Paula Patton’s wedding.”

And what better way to bond with your granny in-law than some one-on-one time as you teach her the lost art of calligraphy.

Plus, the 92-year-old already has her own bespoke letterheads they can practice on!

The proof is in the pen! She’s got talent. (Image: Twitter)

2. A seven-day green juice cleanse

We know The Queen just loves her daily tipple (or four) of booze (including gin and Dubonnet, wine, a dry martini and champers) and it’s obviously worked wonders for her because she’s enjoying her twilight years in glorious health.

But Megs is all about that green juice life and has a lot to offer when it comes to matters of the blender.

Meghan and her pooch take a moment to appreciate her tres healthy concoction. (Image: Instagram @meghanmarkle)

We propose the Duchess gift Her Maj with a seven-day green juice cleanse to kick-start the new year with.

“Green juice is a food-as-medicine philosophy for me. Something that just gets right into your system is a nice pick-me-up ,” Megs admitted.

We reckon the Queen would be a convert in no time!

WATCH: Take a look inside Meghan Markle’s former home. Post continues

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3. An embroidered cushion with their growing family on it

In between her exhaustive royal tour of Australia and the Pacific, growing a Royal Baby and working around the clock in her new royal role, Meghan probably has very little time to do her research and brush up on what The Queen likes.

Luckily for her, we’ve done the leg work and can give her this hot tip – The Queen actually has a wicked sense of humour and owns a cushion with the words: “It’s good to be Queen” emblazoned across it.

In light of the the Royal Baby mania sweeping the world at present, may we suggest the American-born beauty gift the monarch with a custom-made pillow with their growing family on it? Topical and trendy, it would look smashing next to her other one!

And baby makes three! (Image: Getty Images)

Creepy royal memorabilia is always a win. (Image: Getty Images)

4. The complete collection of her lifestyle blog The Tig, turned into a book

She shutdown her lifestyle blog The Tig in April last year but the Goop-esque site is jam-packed with sage wisdom on how to slay life.

Imagine if she converted it into an actual book for The Queen?

It would be a page turner and as addictive as The Crown.

Ahh The Tig, RIP. (Image: The Tig)

5. A lifetime supply of paleo pet food for the corgis

Considering how tight Meghan is with The Queen’s pack of corgis, why not splurge on her pooches and give them the gift of paleo pet food that even Pete Evans would want to eat, or at the very least sniff.

The Queen’s corgis are big fans of Meghan. (Image: Getty Images)

6. A Yoga crash course for dummies

She might the longest-living ruler of The Commonwealth but at 92, Lizzie is fitter than a fiddle.

The Queen is a huge lover of long walks around Balmoral and if often spotted on horseback enjoying a casual canter in the crisp country air.

Enter Yogi Meghan, who can show Queen Elizabeth the benefits of a down dog or a relaxing Shavasana to cool down after her exercise sessions.

Namaste, your Majesty!

Meghan adores Yoga and has learnt loads from her mum, Doria, who teaches the discipline. (Image: Instagram @meghanmarkle)

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