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Kate’s uncle dons Duchess mask to promote new business

Gary Goldsmith promoting his business on Twitter, and right, the picture he posted wearing a 'Kate' mask

We all have an embarrassing uncle, and the Duchess of Cambridge’s just won’t let up.


Gary Goldsmith, the brother of Kate’s mother Carole Middleton, has again tried to ride the Duchess’ coat tails and use her fame to promote his new company.

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Mr Goldsmith posted a picture of a man wearing a ‘Kate’ mask on his Twitter account which he uses to promote his recruitment business called Mint.

Accompanying the image was a message saying ‘Kate or not Kate that is the question!”


“It’s obviously not Kate else she would be doing the Mint-bot/wearing the T-shirt,” he wrote.

Other posts on the Twitter page show people wearing T-shirts carrying the firm’s logo.

This isn’t the first time the ‘black sheep’ of Kate’s family has used his royal associations, using the slogan ‘it IS who you know!’ on the business’s website.

But the disgraced uncle’s ties to the family aren’t as close as he may try to suggest.


After being exposed as a playboy involved in hard drugs, Prince William cut ties with Mr Goldsmith in 2009, only making an exception by inviting him to the royal wedding last year.

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Kate’s mother and father, Carole and Michael Middleton, have been accused of cashing in on her royal status in the past, selling royal wedding merchandise on their party planning website.

The Kate mask image has since been removed, and after being exposed, Mr Goldsmith defended the post, saying via twitter that he had been slagged “for having a sense of humour”.


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