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Jen’s new man & baby plans

As her ex hits rock bottom, Jen finally finds happiness. Matthew Denby reports on her new love.

After a string of failed romances with Hollywood hunks, it seems that Jennifer Aniston has finally got the message. She’s now dating a regular guy, and even has a back-up plan for babies. For the first time she talks on the record about making her dreams of motherhood come true through artificial insemination.

After tiring of the reported womanising of her rumoured love interest, Gerard Butler, Jen is now seeing her first non-celebrity guy since her break-up with Brad Pitt — film producer Scott Stuber.

The star seems ready to break the pattern that has left her broken-hearted since her divorce. When asked on US TV show Access Hollywood last week about her upcoming film, The Baster — about a woman who impregnates herself using a turkey baster — Jen admitted that artificial insemination could be an option for her.

“I’m ready for anything … bring it on!” she responded. “But it would not be my first choice.”

And it seems that she’s not all talk. According to US magazine Life & Style, she has been seeing Dr Mary C. Kerr, one of LA’s top reproductive specialists, along with an endocrinologist, to make sure she’s ready to fall pregnant.

“She talks about her biological clock frequently,” a friend of the actress told the magazine. “She’s nervous she’ll have to wait too long.”

But Jen hopes she won’t have to resort to the lab to make her baby plans a reality.

“Jen and Scott have known each other for years,” confirms a movie industry source close to the couple. “They have a great working relationship and now that’s blossoming into romance.”

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