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Is this the face of the royal baby?

Is this the face of the royal baby?

Artists imaginings of the royal baby.

We’ve not yet seen a glimpse of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s first-born, but a forensic expert in the US has already predicted what the newest member of the royal family might look like.


Washington-based forensic scientist Joe Mullins used sophisticated computer-generated imagery to merge photos of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to simulate how their traits might come together in a child.

The resulting pictures show an “adorable” kid with blue eyes that Mullins says could become a “royal beauty”.

“For Kate and William’s baby, I think there is a lot of good genes in the mix there,” Mullins told the UK’s Daily Mail.

If the child is a boy, Mullins predicts it will inherit William’s features, including his thin ears and receding hairline.


A royal daughter would look more like Kate, with a heart-shaped face, long thick hair and a sun-kissed complexion.

Either sex will likely have dark hair, instead of the blonde of William’s mother Diana, as the brunette gene is stronger.

“There is a science behind the process,” Mullins said. “The darker features are more dominant with Kate’s olive skin and dark hair, I would say you are not going to get a fair skinned baby with blonde hair and blue eyes, like Diana.”

Mullins is a highly respected forensic artist who is famous for his work imagining how celebrity children will look, as well as predicting what celebrities will look like as they age.


Mullins is not the only artist to release a photo fit of the royal baby — Nickolay Lam and Nikolett Mérész from teamed up with Harvard MIT geneticist Jenny Chen to create lifelike pictures that show what William and Kate’s baby would look like at 25.

Pictures of the royal baby at 25.

The face of the royal baby at 25

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