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Home And Away’s Luke Jacobz pens a heart-aching tribute to fiancée Raychel Stuart on what should have been their wedding day

''This year has been incredibly difficult.''
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This year, 2020, has seen many excited couples’ wedding plans thrown completely into disarray.

Among them is Home And Away star Luke Jacobz, who plays Angelo on the show, and his fiancée Raychel Stuart.

While many have had the fortune of rescheduling and adapting to restrictions to go ahead with their nuptials, Luke and Raychel have found themselves in far more heartbreaking circumstance.

Not only is their wedding postponed, Luke revealed he hasn’t seen Raychel, who lives in the U.S, for “249 days”, thanks to strict travel restrictions.

Luke and Raychel have been forced apart since January.


Taking to Instagram, the 39-year-old penned an emotional message dedicated to the “love of his life” on what would have been their wedding day.

“Right now it’s 11:11am on 11/11/2020. Today, I was supposed to marry the Love of my Life. Unfortunately COVID-19 has forced us to Postpone,” he began.

“NOT CANCEL. This year has been incredibly difficult for us because we haven’t seen each other since 22nd January.”

“294 Days or 7,055+hrs, which is 423,400+ minutes since I have held her hand, brushed the hair back over her ear, looked into her eyes, made her coffee, picked her up and hugged her, slapped her butt, slow danced with her, made her breakfast in bed, opened the car door for her, raced her up the stairs with her, given her the pickle off my burger, shared popcorn with her, watched Jeopardy with her, held her face and kissed her…”

He went on to add: “We have been through some incredible difficult times.. This year has been harder than Thor’s Hammer but- we have worked really hard.. and no matter where we are, on this Earth- I will do my best to be Her Starlord until the end of time.”

Speaking with TV WEEK earlier this year Luke touched on the difficulty of being separated from the woman he so clearly adores.

“It’s been hard but we still talk every single day and try to plan for when we’ll see each other again.”

“Each time one of us left the country before, we knew when we would see each other. The next fight was already booked and it would be five weeks, maybe 10, at max,” he explains.

“Now, we just don’t know. We just have to do the best we can and stay positive. I’m looking forward to being in the same place hopefully soon.”

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