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“Let’s not waste a moment…”: Home and Away’s Cameron Daddo posts an emotional tribute to his on-screen son as his character is written off

The actor clearly made a big impression on the cast.
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Home and Away fans have been put through the ringer this year.

First, there was the shock death of beloved character Robbo. Then came Leah’s traumatic kidnapping.

Next up was the real-life pandemic, which threw filming of the show into complete uncertainty.

And now? Yet another gut-wrenching exit, that’s what.

Fans have been emotionally invested in the unexpected storyline between character Ryder and his father – who arrived in The Bay earlier this year to finally connect with his son.

The pair, played by Lukas Radovich and Cameron Daddo respectively, had instant chemistry, which made their scenes all the more beautiful to watch play out.

When Evan’s terminal illness became known, fans were distraught as it became clear the character was not going to be in The Bay for long.

Cameron Daddo and Lukas Radovich’s on-screen chemistry is undeniable.


The heartbreaking scenes, which included a tearful goodbye as Evan chose to leave The Bay early to relieve Ryder from having to watch his father die, have just gone to air in the UK, with a similar sentiment being felt in the Northern Hemisphere.

Following another heartbreaking episode, Cameron posted a sweet tribute to Instagram referencing his time on the show.

“What a blast it was playing this guys dad! @lukas.radovich you’re a ripper mate,” he captioned a still of Evan and Ryder.

“I am so grateful for this time playing Evan and thank you to you #summerbay fans for your kind words.

“I loved every moment and I am thankful that you related to the love that evolved. Let’s not waste a moment to tell those close to us how much we LOVE them… we’re only guaranteed RIGHT NOW.”

The image went down a treat with fans, who shared their admiration for the storyline and the pair.

Fellow actress Georgie Parker led the comments, writing: “Beautiful pic, beautiful storyline, beautiful performances.”

Another fan wrote: “You will be missed, your an incredible actor, amazing job.”

“You were SO good in this Cam!!!” Said another.

“A very touching story line,” quipped one more.

Many commented on Evan and Ryder’s “touching storyline”.

(Channel Seven)

Lukas also shared the post to his Instagram story, simply adding two hearts alongside it.

Lukas also shared the post to his own Instagram story.


As for what comes next for Ryder is anyone’s guess, but we can safely assume he’ll be well looked after by Summer Bay’s lot – his granddad Alf and Aunty Roo for starters.

And for Cameron Daddo? Well, we’ll be watching this space – the Aussie talent is sure to have another exciting gig lined up.

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