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Home and Away spoiler: Could Roo expose Evan’s secret illness for Ryder’s sake?

The truth's on the table.
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Alf and Martha have returned from their honeymoon to discover a big family secret. Thanks to Evan, the Stewart’s world has been turned upside-down – and Alf doesn’t like it one bit.

This week, an awkward family lunch puts Evan (Cameron Daddo) in the firing line as Alf (Ray Meagher) tries to understand his reasons for coming to town. Meanwhile, Roo (Georgie Parker) threatens to reveal his big secret…

Evan’s in the firing line.

(Channel Seven)

At Salt, Ryder (Lukas Radovich) and Evan wait patiently for Alf, Martha (Belinda Giblin) and Roo to arrive. When they do, Evan fumbles to explain himself and his reason for returning to Summer Bay. Alf is dubious and continues to question is “real” motives.

“Evan knows his excuses are thin, at best,” Cameron tells TV WEEK. “But he wants Ryder to know him without a cloud over his head.”

After a scolding from Ryder, Alf begins to thaw and the group ease into conversation – everyone except Roo. She knows the truth about Evan; he’s dying and has no intention of telling Ryder the truth.

Roo doesn’t like what she’s hearing from Evan.

(Channel Seven)

Roo knows having his absentee father back in his life is hard enough on the teenager. But keeping this a secret will devastate him.

“Roo has been facilitating the coming together of Ryder and Evan, and through that, he revealed that he is ill,” Cameron says. “But he doesn’t want Ryder to feel sorry for him, or get to know him because he thinks he has too, or is obligated to. Roo struggles with that.”

WATCH BELOW: Cameron Daddo joins Home and Away. Post continues after video…

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After lunch, Alf notices Roo’s distance around the family and asks her what’s wrong. It’s all Roo needs to spill the beans. Alf, who has just come around to the idea of Evan, is angrier than before. While he understands the gravity of the situation, Evan shouldn’t lie to his son – again!

As the two debate what to do, Ryder walks in mid-conversation and can tell something is wrong.

Will they tell him the truth?

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