
Home And Away Spoilers: Summer Bay explodes

Marilyn's actions has consequences for Summer Bay...
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Check your pulse, Home And Away fans, because a bomb is set to explode in Summer Bay and someone won’t be coming home…

In a gripping week, Marilyn’s (Emily Symons) life is in grave danger when the dodgy skincare company she’s stood up to, Stunning Organics, put their ominous threats into action.

A bomb is going off this week on Home And Away.

(Image: Supplied)

For weeks, they’ve ordered Marilyn to stop speaking out against them after she discovered others had also fallen victim to their scam.

But with the help of Roo (Georgie Parker), Alf (Ray Meagher) and Kirby (Angelina Thomson), she uncovered their crimes and fought to be heard.

“Marilyn feels it has to stop with her,” Emily, 53, tells TV WEEK. “She doesn’t want any other person to go through it.

Marilyn’s actions has consequences for Summer’s Bay.

(Image: Supplied)

“She doesn’t want Stunning Organics to recruit any other ambassadors or people who are going to be abused, so she’s going to get her victim-support group together and make a stand.

“She believes in ‘Fight the good fight’ – and that everything the company is doing is wrong.”

At the Diner, Marilyn and Kirby revel in their mission, hopeful the latest media interview will expose the truth.

Meanwhile, another delivery of Stunning Organics products arrives – but what Marilyn doesn’t know is that the latest box of merchandise also contains a bomb!

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“She’s not suspicious at all,” Emily says of the situation.

With Marilyn distracted by her campaign, she’s slow to pick up her delivery and the box circles town in the hands of several residents – all unaware of the danger they’re in. As the device ticks away, much-loved characters are in imminent peril.

As the timer ticks down, Mali (Kyle Shilling) is alerted to the bomb and races to save his friends. But his efforts could be too late.

In a heart-stopping moment, the deadly explosion will change lives forever. Who gets caught in the blast? And will they survive?

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