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Woman’s Day and Rob Mills make a reader’s day

Woman's Day and Rob Mills make a reader's day

It was excitement all round when Millsy and Woman’s Day surprised a young singer…

Belting out a tune during her school music class, 15-year-old Jessica Davidson-Clark’s eyes suddenly spring wide open in amazement.

FormerAustralian Idolfinalist-turned-musical theatre star, Rob ‘Millsy’ Mills, has walked into the room and is making a beeline for his number one fan, Jessica.

“It was a heart-stopped when he arrived in the classroom,” Jessica says later.

“I was trying not to cry, but I managed to hold it together…”

Read more aboutWoman’s Day’s random acts of kindness for our 65th anniversary and see all the Rob Mills pics in this week’s issue, on sale Friday, July 26 2013.

Related video: Woman’s Day and Rob Mills make a reader’s day.

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