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Woman terrified after spotting ‘ghost’s face’ in photo

There’s no explanation for this one...

A family is spooked after spotting a ghostly face in a photo taken on an iPhone.

Ciara O’Callaghan from Ireland had her family over and her niece took an accidental photo of the ceiling, but she looked back at it, she noticed something extremely creepy.

“My brother Glenn came down from Sligo and I took a picture of him with my niece Carly and nephew Sean in the kitchen,” she told the Irish Mirror.

“My niece took the phone from me to pass it over but it took a photo of the ceiling by accident.

“I didn’t take any notice until I looked though the photos again.”

What’s even creepier is that when she uploaded it to Facebook, it gave her the option of actually tagging the face.

Ciara is a self-confessed sceptic so she played around the contrast on Photoshop to identify it.

“To try to find a logical explanation my brother-in-law got the photo and took it into Photoshop, where he changed the colours, darkened it and increased the contrast,” she explained.

Ciara continued: “Rather than show the logical explanation we were hoping for, it seemed to simply further the level of mystery.

“We don’t have anybody who has a face remotely similar to this one in terms of dimensions or physical appearance.

“There is nobody else that looks like that and it’s just extremely strange.”

Very weird!

VIDEO: ‘Ghost’ caught on video

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