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What would Suri be asked during an interrogation?

What would Suri be asked during an interrogation?

Marc Headley, a prominent former Scientologist, reveals the secret list of questions that Scientology’s founder, Sci-fi writer L Ron Hubbard, created to be asked during interrogations of children (known as security checks) after any kind of tantrum or misbehaviour.

Here is s a handful of random selections from the list.

  • What has somebody told you not to tell?

  • Have you ever decided you did not like some member of your family?

  • Have you ever pretended to be sick (ill)?

  • Have you ever wanted something very much, but never told anybody about it?

  • Have you ever gotten yourself dirty on purpose?

  • Have you ever refused to eat just to worry someone?

  • Have you ever refused to obey an order from someone you should obey?

  • Have you ever told another child something that wasn’t true, just to frighten

  • or upset him?

  • Have you ever deliberately got another child, or a grown-up, into trouble?

  • Have you ever been mean, or cruel, to an animal, bird or fish?

  • Have you ever forgotten to give food or water to a pet entrusted to your care?

  • Do you have a secret?

  • Have you ever noticed something wrong with your body that you were afraid to tell anybody about?

  • Is there anything about you your parents could not understand, even if you told them?

  • Who have you made guilty?

  • Have you ever done something you shouldn’t when you were supposed to be in bed or asleep?

  • Have you ever tried to make others believe that your parents, or teachers, were cruel to you?

  • Is there anything you should tell your parents, and never have?

  • Have you ever done something to your body that you shouldn’t have?

  • Have you ever done anything to someone else’s body that you shouldn’t have??

  • Have you ever decided never to talk to someone again?

  • Have you ever made your parents or teachers work harder than they should?

  • Have you ever decided that you were too bright, or too smart for the other kids?

  • Have you ever run away when you should have stayed?

  • Have you ever cried when you shouldn’t have?

  • Have you ever been a coward?

  • Have you ever made too much fuss over a little hurt?

  • Have you ever decided “Someday, when I’m grown up, I’ll get even”? If so, with whom?

  • Have you ever hurt anyone by telling them you didn’t love them any more?

  • Have you ever made out that you were more badly damaged than you were in order to make someone stop picking on you?

  • Have you ever pretended to like someone that you didn’t like in order to satisfy your parents?

  • Have you ever done anything wrong according to your own religion?

  • Have you ever made friends with people your parents didn’t approve of?

  • Have you ever thought someone was crazy?

  • Have you ever done something to someone that you’d hate to have done to you?

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