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Warwick Capper for mayor!

The perennial self-promoter has his sights set on the gold coast’s highest office.

After a string of low-profile jobs — a “stop-go” man on a road repair crew and a meter-maid — Warwick Capper is trading in his tight shorts for a suit and running for mayor.

The former AFL star is so serious he’s already hit the campaign trail, kissing babies and raising election funds.

“I’ll be the greatest mayor the Gold Coast ever had,” he humbly declares. “And with my fame and charisma I’ll pull more tourists to the Gold Coast than ever before.”

Despite his reputation taking a dive since he was thrown out of Big Brother for exposing his genitals in 2002, the 44-year-old has no doubt he has what it takes.

“I know some people have a certain opinion about me because of some crazy things I’ve done, but that’s all ancient history.

“I’ll be so sensational they’ll probably want to put up a 50-foot high statue of me right in the heart of Surfers Paradise.”

Warwick plans to raise funds for his campaign by hosting a huge auction of personal memorabilia, which he hopes will net him $100,000 ahead of the election next year.

And he’s even flogging his own locks! He’s just had 8cm of his famous mullet cut off, and he intends to auction off the cuttings for $5000.

“I read somewhere that a lock of Napoleon’s hair was sold at auction for thousands of dollars,” he explains. “I reckon if it’s good enough for Napoleon then it’s good enough for Warwick — we’re both about equally famous.”

For the full story, see this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale July 16)

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