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EXCLUSIVE: Linda and Vika Bull confess they’re “at the mercy” of their parents every time Christmas Day rolls around

Their big wish for 2022 is all about music.
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When Melbourne experienced an earthquake in September, Vika and Linda Bull’s mother raced straight for her most treasured possession – the cabinet containing the silver and crystal she lovingly polishes up every year for the Christmas table.

“She checked on (Dad) too,” laughs Linda. “It’s the same crystal and silver we grew up using – that cabinet has gone everywhere with her.”

Now retired, Siniva and Austen Bull have given over cooking duties to the younger generations on what remains their favourite day of the year (“our daughters cook so it takes the pressure of Mum and Dad and us,” says Linda) but they still rule firmly over one domain: The soundtrack.

This has been a tough year for the musicians, but they’re looking to the future.

(Image: Alana Lansberry / Are Media)

Out comes the original vinyl – Bing Crosby’s White Christmas, Judith Durham’s For Christmas with Love, Jim Reeves’ 12 Songs of Christmas.

“We are at the mercy of our parents on Christmas Day,” says Vika.

“We want to make them happy and it’s nostalgic for us – we have very fond memories of that time – so we pull out the old record player, play all the old records.

“Mum and Dad are both 87 now and we are lucky to have them. Every Christmas is a blessing.”

As working musicians, 2021 has been a year of lost earnings but the sisters kept busy recording The Wait, their first album of original songs in 19 years and they’re now readying themselves to tour again in the new year.

“Even though we lost a lot of income and work (in 2021), I’m grateful that we still have each other and our closer family and friends,” says Vika.

“We tried to keep busy, be productive, make music and write again. I’m grateful that we still were able to put food on the table and for all of the little things.”

“It’s going to be strange to face an audience again but we’re chomping at the bit to get back out there,” says Linda of their greatest wish for 2022.

“To make music and be in front of an audience is all we really want because that’s how we’ve made our living since we were 18 years old – doing what we love.

“We’re hoping Mum and Dad are well and we get to spend a little bit more time with them – and hopefully bring them on the road with us.”

“No,” laughs Vika in response, “We can’t take Dad on the road. He’ll drink all the champagne!”

You can read this story and many others in our Christmas Issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly – on sale now.

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