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VIDEO: Tom Cruise jumps from building for movie stunt

VIDEO: Tom Cruise jumps from building for movie stunt

It’s well known that Tom Cruise performs his own stunts in movie roles, but it’s hard to believe that the 49-year-old agreed to this death-defying stunt for his new movie Mission: Impossible IV.

A behind the scenes video of the making of the movie, including scenes shot in November 2010, has just been released showing Cruise performing his own daring stunts.

Filmed in Dubai, the scenes show Cruise dangling from the observation deck of the Burj Kahlifa, the world’s tallest building at 2,700 feet high.

During one scene he leaps from the building dangling by a suspension cord before running down the glass exterior.

The scene, which was filmed using cameras in the building as well as a helicopter crew circling it, may seem extreme but it’s a common occurrence on set.

“This is just another day at work on Mission: Impossible,” director Brad Bird said.

Watch the video of Tom Cruise performing the incredible stunts above.

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