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VIDEO: George Clooney defends doing coffee commercials

George Clooney doesn’t care what you think

George Clooney is being tipped as the man to beat at this year’s Oscars after he was nominated for his role in The Descendants.

And at the Oscars round table meeting on Tuesday he revealed exactly why he likes acting.

Joined by fellow actors including Charlize Theron, Clooney said he is now picking and choosing which movies he does.

“I’m trying to make movies in my life, particularly the position I’m in right now, that last longer than an opening weekend,” he said.

He also defended appearing in coffee commercials.

“I do films for scale and I do coffee commercials overseas and I make a lot of money doing those,” he said.

And what does he think about people who have a problem with that?

“I don’t give a s—,” he said.

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