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Victoria Beckham FINALLY reveals the real reason why she doesn’t smile

Victoria Beckham smile

The former Spice Girl and now British fashion mogul, has revealed everything from what she can’t live without to why she doesn’t smile in Vogue’s latest “73 Questions” series.

When asked the big question “Why don’t you smile Victoria?” she simply said: “I’m smiling on the inside. I feel that I have a responsibility to the fashion community.”

Although she rarely smiles, Posh unveiled a wicked sense of humour throughout the interview saying her most surprising trait was “comedy gold”.

And it’s clear she definitely knows how to have a laugh, especially when it comes to her former career as a Spice Girl. When asked what one film she could star in, she had said: “I starred in ‘Spice World,’ the movie, and I am still waiting for my Outstanding Achievement Award.”

After addressing her smile, the fashionista revealed the one thing she couldn’t live without were her Velcro rollers and that she believes in love at first sight.

When asked what made her fall in love with the sports star at first sight, Victoria simply said; ‘Duh!’.

The love is obviously still very much alive for David and Victoria, who have been married for over 15 years. Instead of fancy meals and lavish hotel stays, Victoria admitted that a night in with her hubby was her ‘idea of a perfect date’.

Watch the very funny and revealing interview in the video player above. Warning: you will fall in love with her!

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