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Val Kilmer denies Michael Douglas’s claims he is battling cancer

Michael Douglas had revealed the news during a Q and A but was apparently "misinformed."
Val Kilmer

Michael Douglas recently revealed that his friend Val Kilmer was battling throat cancer but all may not be as it seems.

After months of speculation regarding Val’s health, Michael claimed and his pal, with whom he filmed The Ghost and the Darkness in 1996, was suffering from the same throat cancer he had endured.

“Val is dealing with exactly what I had and things don’t look too good for him,” Michael confessed during a Q and A with Jonathan Ross.

“That’s why you haven’t heart too much from him lately.”

This appeared to fit in with reports surrounding Val’s ill health, when it was reported in 2015 that the Top Gun actor has been hospitalised after he began bleeding from the throat.

Check out Michael’s claims in the video below. Post continues.

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The pair starred in The Ghost and the Darkness together.

At the time it was believed the actor underwent minor surgery for a throat tumor.

However, it seems Val himself is denying having cancer at all.

Val says he is rehabbing… but not from cancer.

“I love Michael Douglas but he is misinformed,” the actor said on Facebook.

“The last time I spoke to him was almost two years ago, when I asked him for a referral for a specialist to get a diagnosis for a lump in my throat,” the one-time Batman actor said.

“I ended up using a team at UCLA and have no cancer whatsoever. I still have a swollen tongue and am rehabbing steadily.”

Michael has admitted he hasn’t seen Val in a while.

He continued: “I hope this puts to rest any further concerns about my health by publications that have no respect for the truth.

“Whatever led Michael Douglas to speculate about my health, he’s a loving and devoted friend to a privileged group of talent people around the world, and I’m sure he meant no harm.”

Catherine Zeta-Jones helped her husband through his own throat cancer diagnosis.

Following the 56-year-old’s denial of a cancer diagnosis, Michael’s rep issued a statement saying he was “under the assumption” his former co-star was ill.

“Michael has not spoken to Val in well over a year so if he doesn’t have throat cancer, great,” his rep told Us Weekly on Monday.

“Michael qualified in his interview that he hasn’t spoken with him in a long time and wished him the best.”

Michael and Catherine are adorable together. Check out just how much in the video below.

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