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Unbelievable celebrity pre-nups

They spend millions on their weddings and aren’t afraid to show how loved-up they are, but how much dough are these celebrity couples earning from each other?

Tom Cruise and Kate Holmes

Katie Holmes receives a whopping $3 million for every year she is married to Tom Cruise up to 11 years – after that, she could receive half of his fortune.

Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban

Keith Urban gets around $640,000 for every year he is married to Nicole Kidman, unless the former addict starts using drugs again, in which case he gets nothing.

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake

The newly engaged couple have arranged that Jessica will get at least $500 000 if Justin ever cheats on her under a “fidelity clause”.

Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas

Catherine Zeta-Jones will receive $5 million if Michael Douglas cheats on her, which is no surprise as Douglas’ first marriage was destroyed by his sex addiction.

Zeta-Jones, who also makes $2.8 million for every year of marriage, says pre-nups are “brilliant”.

Beyonce and Jay-Z

Jay-Z would have had to pay Beyonce $10 million if the marriage ended after two years. After that, Beyonce would receive $1 million for each year they remained married for up to 15 years.

Baby Blue Ivy has already made Beyonce $5million richer according to their pre-nup, as Jay also promised to pay her that amount for each child she bears for him for her loss of income during pregnancy and child-rearing years.

Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo

Tony Romo received the helpful suggestion that, should he propose to Jessica Simpson, he should include a “porker clause” in their pre-nup requiring her to pay him $500,000 if she topped 61.5 kilos.

Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen

Denise Richards was guaranteed $4 million if known cheater Charlie Sheen ever strayed during their marriage, which he allegedly did.

Khloe Kardashian Odom and Lamar Odom

The reality stars’ unbelievable pre-nup included Khloe receiving a $5,000 monthly shopping budget and a $1,000 monthly beauty budget.

She also gained season courtside Lakers tickets for her whole family, asked for $500,000 for each year they’re married, $25, 000 a month in support, their house (if they separate), and a new car at the end of every lease cycle.

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