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Travolta followed by Scientology minders after son’s death

Travolta followed 24/7 by Scientology minders after son’s death

John Travolta has revealed he had two Scientology minders with him 24 hours a day after he lost faith in the religion following the death of his son.

The 59-year-old Hollywood star’s son Jett died at the age of 16 five years ago after suffering a seizure at the family holiday home in the Bahamas.

“I don’t think I could’ve got through it,” he told the The Telegraph.

“They were with me every day after Jett died. They even travelled with me when I needed to get away. And for a solid two years it was like that.

“It was only in the second year that I started to take a break of a day or two just to see how I was doing on my own.”

It wasn’t until after Jett’s death that John and his wife Kelly Preston acknowledged that Jett was autistic, something they had always denied because Scientology does not believe autism exists.

The legendary actor has followed the controversial religion since 1975 and says it helped him through his son’s death.

Following the ordeal, John and his family became the victims of an $18 million blackmail plot where a lawyer and a paramedic threatened to release details of Jett’s death and the care he had obtained.

During the trial, the Pulp Fiction actor told the jury of his heartache.

“I was sleeping in the condo with my wife. My son was in the room below and my daughter was next door. I was awakened by Eli, my son’s nanny, pounding on the door saying Jett was unconscious,” he said at the time.

“I ran at the door, I ran downstairs to help my son with my wife. I saw him on the bathroom floor.

“His other nanny Jeff Kathrein and an employee, a woman, was doing CPR on him. I took the place of the woman. Jeff was doing compressions and I was doing breathing. I asked if an ambulance had been called and I was told yes.”

The case was later dropped when John refused to take to the witness stand for a second time following a mistrial.

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