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Top earning Hollywood couples

Total earnings: $122 million According to Forbes magazine, which is famous for its lists, this power duo are Hollywood’s biggest earning couple. With her singing and acting career continuously on the rise and his celebrity contacts and tour date coming up, it’s not hard to see why they are pulling in the big bucks! Click on to find out who else was on the Forbes list!

Total earnings: $69 million While Calista Flockhart was earning the big bucks in the hit show Brothers and Sisters Harrison stayed out of the limelight. That was until he hit the big screen again with Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull for which he earned $65 million.

Total earnings: $55 million Although they are reportedly on the rocks, together Brad and Ange make one hell of a power couple. Thanks to their smart movie role choices the couple have been able to secure themselves more than $50 million in a year.

Total earnings: $46 million Posh is keeping a firm hold on her man, and why wouldn’t she? Thanks to his successful soccer career and his involvement in a number of advertising campaigns Becks is raking in the big bucks. Wife Victoria’s fashion line helps the couple get over the line as on of Hollywood’s most powerful couples.

Total earnings: $33.5 million Tom is the main source of income for the Cruises with continuous high-paying movie roles. Although Katie has acted very little in the last couple of years, her main focus is on the couple’s four-year-old daughter Suri.

Total earnings: $29 million From the moment she signed up for Sex and The City, Sarah Jessica Parker had it made. Her various other movie roles have also helped her along the way to earning big bucks. When the couple’s twins were born, SJP continued working on the sequel of Sex and the City the Movie, while husband Matthew Broderick concentrates on smaller roles.

Total earnings: $22 million Put a huge TV star and a sports star together and they are bound to make one hell of a power couple. This is exactly what you get with Eva Longoria Parker and Tony Parker. Thanks to her role on Desperate Housewives and his lucrative endorsements the couple’s dollars are on the rise.

Total earnings: $17 million Since getting together Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman have secured themselves a mini-fortune. Combining his music money with her film dollars, means they are sitting pretty with $17million.

Total earnings: $20 million The Grey’s Anatomy star has scored herself some fun leading lady roles recently which has certainly pumped up her bank balance! With her delightful singer hubby by her side it’s not hard to see why this couple makes the top earners list in Hollywood.

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