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Tom and Katie: Can Suri save them?

Tom and Katie: Can Suri save them?

The cute tot could stop Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes from separating.

The tension between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is clear to see as they share afternoon tea with their daughter at the Palm Court in New York’s Plaza Hotel.

Sitting as far apart from her husband as possible, with a pillow placed trategically between them, Katie looks miserable, sipping on a diet cola with lemon, while Tom grins as he showers four-year-old Suri with kisses and cuddles.

“Katie looked as though she wasn’t part of the fun,” says a witness. “She stared into space and must have been wondering what the future holds for them.”

It’s obvious Suri is Tom’s number-one girl and he’d do anything to make her happy – and that includes staying in a marriage under strain. Tom, 48, and Katie, 32, reportedly began drifting apart last year after living for months in different countries for their movie projects.

While Tom was filming Mission: Impossible, Suri missed him very much and was constantly asking her mother, “Why isn’t Daddy home?”

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