Sometimes there are no explanations for extremely creepy occurrences, just like these photos.
Click through the pictures and see if you believe…

A mother didn’t notice the figure of a little girl in the background of this photo until a family member pointed it out. What’s even scarier is that the mother was reportedly warned by a psychic that a young girl’s spirit was following her through life.

A woman took a photo of her home in Wiltshire, England, but noticed something odd in one of the windows. She now believes the ‘old man’ in the window is the ghost of Samuel Kent, a man who was involved in a grisly murder in the 1860s.

The Newby Church of Yorkshire is said to be haunted by the spirit of a 16th century monk, who is believed to have been captured in this photo taken by a reverend in 1963.

Ghosts of those from the Tudor era reportedly walk the halls of the royal Hampton Court Palace, especially the Grey Lady. People believe she’s the spirit of a nurse who treated Elizabeth I during her bout of smallpox in 1562. This photo was snapped by a schoolgirl in February last year who believe she captured the Grey Lady.

This apparition was also captured in the same palace nine years ago, with people saying it resembles Henry VIII.

A woman who sat down to pray in a church in Norfolk in 1975 swears there was no one behind her, but her husband’s photo begs to differ. She was horrified to later see ‘The White Lady’ appear in the picture in old-fashioned clothes and a bonnet.

This spooky figure was also spotted in Norfolk. The eerie image was taken in Raynham Hall, a country house in 1936.