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Why big name celebrities are boycotting the Grammys

A Grammy used to be the award a celebs always wanted, but now the nominees aren't even showing up...
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This year’s Grammys could be looking a little, er, empty with a bunch of big names planning to boycott the ceremony on Feb 12th!

Yep, insiders say A-list musicians including Kanye West, Justin Bieber and Drake are all planning on bailing on the annual awards show.

Despite having been nominated for four Grammys, Justin is reportedly making plans to be somewhere else on the day.

“He just doesn’t think the Grammys are relevant or representative, especially when it comes to young singers,” a source told TMZ.

Drake – who has eight nominations this year – has similar reasons as JB to not attend, and Yeezy’s reasons are racially motivated.

While he’s nabbed a total of 21 trophies in the past and is up for eight awards this year, he’s never won when going up against a white artist.

“There’s no real anger, it’s just that a lot of younger singers think the Grammys are out of touch and arguably irrelevant,” added the insider.

And that’s not all! While pop star Taylor Swift hasn’t exactly said she isn’t going to make an appearance, she hasn’t been nominated for ANY awards this year, so it’s unlikely she’d attend. Quite a change from last year’s Grammys where she picked up three awards…

Well the guest list is looking a little sad if you ask us!

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