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The worst celebrity facial hair

See which stars who look sexier sans facial scruff.
Mel Gibson, Daniel Craig, Brad Pitt

Remember way back when Brad Pitt debuted that wiry and woolly mess on his chin? You know, the infamous grey goatee that had everyone collectively – for the first time ever – thanking their lucky stars they weren’t Angelina Jolie?

Well that instance alone proves, case and point, that when it comes to facial fluff sometimes less, or much, much less, is more.

Whether some blokes just want to try to pull off a touch of ‘tache or cultivate a giant grizzly beard to twirl through their fingers, the fact remains that some fellas just can’t pull off facial fuzz.

Here are just some of the Hollywood facial hair offenders who should just dare to go bare.

Mel Gibson, Daniel Craig and Brad Pitt have all farmed facially offensive beards in the past.

Jude Law might find himself being confused with Ewan McGregor with this ginger tinged scruff.

Mel Gibson’s strange shaped beard suggests he’s retired from movies and is now a full time ringmaster of a travelling circus.

Joaquin Phoenix may have misunderstood the plot when he hid his face behind this giant bearded bush for his 2010 film titled ‘I’m still here.’

Johnny Depp doesn’t face much criticism when it comes to his looks but his thinning facial fuzz has certainly seen better days.

Wherever Matthew Mcconaughey put his shirt he should perhaps go and put his blonde peach fuzz there too.

Daniel Craig tried to do his best attempt at looking dapper but didn’t win too many fans with his ‘tache.

Brad Pitt literally looks like he shaved an animal and made a goatee chin wig with this woolly facial faux pas.

Channing Tatum’s chiselled chin is one of his best assets so it’s hard to understand why he’d want to cover it up with this thin line of facial fluff.

Let’s hope Pierce Brosnan grew this to get in character for his upcoming role as a lumber jack. We actually don’t care as long as he doesn’t make a Mamma Mia sequel.

If Russell Brand won’t even put a brush through his hair what is the likelihood he’s going to man-scape himself a tidy beard?

Baby faces and moustaches just do not mix Shia Labeouf.

Silver fox George Clooney isn’t doing himself any favours with this salt and pepper smattering on his face.

Well you don’t have to be as quick as Grease Lightning to pick up on the fact that John Travolta’s attempt at facial hair is not going to be a hit.

It seems baby faced Orlando can’t Bloom a full beard.

Yes Emile Hirsch ‘Into the Wild’ was a good film but your beard not so much. Perhaps your next adventure should be ‘Into the Barber Shop’?

Can someone tell Daniel Radcliff that JK Rowling didn’t include a scruffy moustache in Harry Potter’s character description?

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