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The women fighting over Peter Brock

He was a brilliant driver a magnificent father and a dedicated charity worker - but in matters of the heart well, his report card might have read: 'Could do better'.
Peter Brock's former wife Bev and his girlfriend

Brock died in a rally in Western Australia in 2006. He didn’t leave a will and, for those left behind, that proved disastrous.

Two good women – Brock’s former partner, Bev, and his girlfriend when he died, Julie Bamford, who were once friends – found themselves in court over the assets. Dirty laundry was aired in public. Houses and property had to be sold to pay the legal bills. Children we dragged into the fray, and both Bev and Julie are now pretty close to broke.

“I’m 67 and still working to pay a mortgage,” Peter’s ex, Bev Brock tells the May issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

Julie agrees: “As well as all the grief, I’m still dealing with the financial problems. I still can’t say the word ‘lawyer’ without getting upset.”

Bev and Julie were once friends – they met at basketball three decades ago – but that friendship is now shattered. Each has a different take on their relationship with Peter Brock, but there is one point of agreement: they both wish he’d left a proper, signed will.

“The trouble is, Peter never thought he’d die,” says Bev.

“I think it was more confusion about whether he had actually put things in place,” says Julie.

Either way, it was a mess.

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