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The truth behind Bec’s shock new look

The truth behind Bec's shock new look

Her dishevelled looks and out-of-character no-show at Lleyton’s final signals bad news.

When Bec Hewitt sat in the stands to watch her husband Lleyton Hewitt work his way towards the final in the Brisbane International, all eyes were – as usual – on her. But this time it was for different reasons.

The usually glam and tanned former soap star looked gaunt and drawn, nervously playing with her phone and fidgeting throughout her husband’s match.

Then when Bec wasn’t in the crowd to see Lleyton beat Roger Federer to take out the final, speculation was rife as to why the 30-year-old blonde was missing – with those in the know on the tennis circuit all speculating the couple must have had an argument for Bec to miss out on such an important event in her famous husband’s career.

Others whispered she might be pregnant with their fourth child and, as such, couldn’t bear another day of blistering summer heat courtside at the Queensland Tennis Centre.

See the exclusive pictures and read more about why bec missed Lleyton’s big match in this week’s issue of Woman’s Day, on sale Monday, January 13, 2014.

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