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The most memorable kisses

He was protecting his girlfriend from the chaos surrounding them by calming her with a kiss. Now, this photograph which has become known as the “Vancouver Kiss” has made headlines and gave the loved-up couple instant fame.

Thanks to the romantic public dispaly of affection we decided to look at the most memorable kiss of our time.

Vancouver kiss

He was protecting his girlfriend from the chaos surrounding them by calming her with a kiss. Now, this photograph which has become known as the “Vancouver Kiss” has made headlines and gave the loved-up couple instant fame.

Thanks to the romantic public display of affection we decided to look at the most memorable kiss of our time.

Gone with the Wind

Clark Gable roughly kissed Vivien Leigh in the 1939 film, Gone with the Wind.

This image is known to many as the world’s most famous kiss. It was taken by photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt and shows s US soldier kissing a nurse. It was taken in New York on Victory over Japan Day in Times Square.

The way we were

Barbra Streisand and Robert Redford together in the romantic film The Way We Were.

From here to Eternity

Burt Lancaster kisses Deborah Kerr in the 1953 film From here to Eternity.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s

Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard lock lips in the classic romantic film Breakfast at Tiffany’s.

Dirty Dancing

The 1987 romantic film told the love story between bad boy Johnny played by Patrick Swayze and good girl baby played by Jennifer Grey.


After Spiderman, played by Tobey Maguire, saves Mary Jane, played by Kirsten Dunst, she removes his mask and kisses him as he hangs upside down.

Halle Berry and Adrien Brody

It’s not exactly the most romantic of kisses, but it is definitely one of the most memorable. After winning the Best Actor Oscar for The Pianist, Adrien Brody embraced presenter Halle Berry in lip lock.

Britney Spears and Madonna

In yet another memorable kissing moment, Madonna and Britney Spears locked lips during a performance at the MTV awards.

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