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The Dickos do The Osbournes

With partner Mel and daughters Esme, 17, and Edie, 15, Ian “Dicko” Dickson put aside his judge’s hat for the day to step into the wobbly shoes of English rocker Ozzy Osbourne.

A red wig transforms Mel into an Aussie Sharon Osbourne.

Esme piles on the eyeliner to look like Ozzy’s goth daughter Kelly Osbourne.

Edie dons an afro to look like Jack.

“I really love Sharon and Ozzy. I worked with both of them,” says Dicko.

Edie wants to be an actress when she grows up, and she reckons she’ll handle the fame “better than Dad”!

The girls say their dad is a big softie, despite his image on TV.

Dicko’s family reveals he has a habit of staring at himself in the mirror. “Any mirror or reflective surface, he’s there,” says Esme.

Although both girls would love to work in entertainment, neither is keen to try out for Idol.

“Edie’s a really good dancer and she’s great with kids,” says proud dad Dicko.

The girls reckon their dad is “young at heart”, but they’re too embarrassed to let him pick them up from school!

I’m like Sharon,” says Mel. “I’m the matriarch, the person that tells everyone what to do, where to go.”.

Esme and Edie say a reality show about their family would mean a lot of “fights and door-slamming”.

“Ozzy has often admitted he’d be nothing without Sharon and I’m the same, I’d be nothing without Mel,” says Dicko.

“(The Osbournes) argue and shout, but there’s a lot of love and communication,” says Dicko. “I think that reflects the way we are, really.”

See more photos plus an interview with Dicko and his family in this week’s Woman’s Day (on-sale September 22, 2008)

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