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SuBo struggling on less than $900 per week

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Always chipper, but things aren't looking so good for SuBo

Scottish singing superstar Susan Boyle is reportedly living on £500 per week with no access to the millions of dollars in royalties she made from her debut album I Dreamed A Dream.

The singer also does not have a credit card and is not able to furnish her new five-bedroom home, her brother Gerry claims.

She has resorted to buying clothes from budget clothing chain Tesco and using public transport because of her financial arrangements.

Sources close to the singer deny claims Boyle was blocked from accessing her earnings. They say Susan imposed the budget on herself and chose to invest the rest of the money, the Daily Mail reported.

In pictures: Susan Boyle’s rise to fame

They said the new house was nearly fitted out and she could withdraw as much money as she wanted.

But Gerry Boyle, 55, was concerned about his sister’s situation spoke out on the weekend. “When Susan realised she can’t just walk into a bank and take out her own money she had a fit because she thought she was down to her last few quid,” he told the UK’s News of The World.

“Her millions are ring-fenced but Susan has no concept of money. She was extremely distressed. She lives in fear of losing everything and returning to her old life before she made it big.

“Susan said to me, ‘I’ve been told I get £500 a week because I’m a novice. I don’t have the money to go and buy the furniture’.

“So she’s still stuck in the small council house where we all grew up. She should be able to walk into a bank anywhere and say she wants £50,000 cash. That may not be advisable, but it would be her choice because it’s her money.

“Susan is baffled about money. All she wants to do is sing. So we asked the questions that should have been asked a while ago. Why doesn’t she even have a credit card? Why does she feel she doesn’t have control over her finances.

“And we’ve got worries about her safety too. She visits the local Tesco most days all on her own. So we raised concerns with her management. Susan doesn’t look as if she is a successful international chart star. She’s lonely and downtrodden.”

Your say: What do you think of Susan Boyle? Do you think it is wise for her to restrict her spending to $900 a week? Or should she be living it up a little more?

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