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Striped knit sweater

striped knit sweater


  • Nundle Woollen Mill Pure New Wool 8-ply yarn (50g balls) in the folowing colours: 4 balls Donkey (brown); 2 balls Cerise (dark pink); 1 ball Tangerine (light orange); 1 ball Orange (darker orange); 2 balls Red; 2 balls Amethyst (purple); 1 ball Hot Pink (light pink).

  • 1 pair of 4.00mm needles

  • Spare needles or stitch holder


Fits bust 98 (100, 102)cm. Length 58 (58, 58)cm. Sleeve fits 41cm to armhole edge.


20 sts and 26 rows to 10cm over stocking stitch using 4.00mm needles.


Following the number of rows for each coloured stripe (see Stripe pattern, below) cast on 95 (99, 103) sts.

Knit first 22 rows in main colour, then 78 (78, 78) more rows following Stripe pattern, without shaping, until back measures 38 (38, 38) cm, ending in purl row.


Cast of 3 (4, 5) sts at beg of next 2 rows.

Next row. K2 together at each end of alt rows 4 (5,5) times … 81 (81, 83) sts. **

For Back only. Continue in stocking st until work measures 57 (58, 58)cm from beginning, ending with a purl row … 81 (81,83)

Next row. K74 (74, 78) sts, turn.

Next row. Purl until 5 (5, 5) sts remain, turn.

Next row. K until 10 (10, 10) sts remain, turn.

Next row. Purl until (10, 10) sts remain, turn.

Next row. K until 15 (15, 15) sts remain. Cast off 15 sts for shoulder.

Slip remaining sts onto spare needle. Join yarn onto outer edge and knit right shoulder to match left shoulder. Cast off 15 sts for other shoulder … 49 sts. Pick up these 49 sts for neck.


For front and back polo neck * (in Donkey). 1st row.** Knit 49 sts.

2nd row. Purl.

3rd row. K1, K2 tog, K43 (sl 1, K1, psso) K1.

4th row. Purl.

5th row. K1, K2 tog, K41 (sl 1, K1, psso) K1.

6th row. Purl.

7th row. K1, K2 tog, K39 (sl 1, K1, psso) K1.

8th row. Purl.

Knit another 6 rows in stocking stitch. Cast off. ****


Work as for back to **. Continue in stocking stitch until work measures 55.5cm from beginning, ending with purl row.


1st row. K23 sts, turn.

2nd row. Purl.

3rd row. K18 sts, turn.

4th row. Purl.

5th row. K15 sts, turn.

6th row. Purl 10 sts, turn.

7th row. K10 sts, turn.

8th row. Purl 5 sts, turn.

9th row. K5 sts, turn.

10th row. Cast off 15 stitches.

Work other side of Front to correspond and complete Front neck shaping. Knit front neck as for back neck to * (in Donkey).


Cast on 38 (40, 40) sts.

(Knit first 30 rows in Donkey, continuing to follow Stripe Pattern).

Knit 6 rows stocking st, ending in purl row.

Increase at each end of next and every 4th row 3 times (checking that the stripes match the stripes of the body).

Next row. Increase at each end of next and every 6th row until there are 66 (66, 66) sts. Then continue without increasing until you reach the armhole decrease on the body, 42 (42, 42)cm from sleeve edge.

Cast off 4 (5, 5) sts (at the same stripe edge as the body) at each end of next 2 rows.

Next row. Decrease at each end of the next and alternate rows 14 times, then every row until 16 sts remain. Cast off.


Press pieces on wrong side with damp cloth. Garment is designed to roll at edges. Do not try to press edges flat. Sew shoulder seams and neck edge. Sew in sleeves, matching stripes to armhole before sewing sleeves and side seams. Reverse seams for 8 rows at edges, so seam won’t show when edges roll.


Donkey 22 rows (Back and Front), 30 rows on sleeves. Cerise 12 rows Tangerine 2 rows Red 10 rows Donkey 8 rows Amethyst 4 rows Hot Pink 6 rows Orange 6 rows Donkey 10 rows Amethyst 2 rows Tangerine 4 rows Red 12 rows Donkey6 rows Amethyst12 rows Hot Pink 4 rows Orange 8 rows Donkey 4 rows Cerise 12 rows Tangerine 2 rows Red 8 rows.

These rows form a pattern. If extra rows are required, repeat from beginning of pattern (Donkey).

From the July 2002 issue of The Australian Women’s Weekly.

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