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Stressed Ange’s weight crisis

Shocking new pictures of Angelina Jolie taken in Africa last week show the toll of her relationship dramas with Brad Pitt, Matthew Denby reports.

Angelina Jolie’s emaciated appearance while visiting an African refugee camp has sparked new health fears — amid reports that that her weight is plummeting rapidly.

With tension rising in her relationship with Brad Pitt over his drinking and her desire to add to their family of six children under the age of eight, the actress appears to be showing the stress with her gaunt frame.

Looking frailer than some of the Somalian refugees she was visiting in the impoverished Dabaab camp in northern Kenya last week, the star’s new figure has friends and family concerned.

“She is absolutely tiny,” one stunned witness at the camp told the US media last week. “She is skin and bones.”

It’s an assessment shared by New York physician Dr Craig Title, who fears Ange has become too thin in recent weeks. “She looks underweight, and if I were her personal physician I would be alarmed,” he says. “She appears to be around 53kg. This low weight level could be detrimental to her health [and put her at risk of] muscle wasting, fatigue and potential injury to vital organs…”

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