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Stop the bullying, Kyle

Both Magda Szubanski and Jackie O have endured a week of hell at the hands of radio’s Kyle Sandilands, writes Jonica Bray.

With her usual good grace and wit, Magda Szubanski put on a brave face last week after shock jock Kyle Sandilands launched into a bizarre string of on-air insults about her weight battle.

Shrugging off his comment that she was fat but “put her in a concentration camp and you watch the weight fall”, Magda said, “I couldn’t care less what Kyle Sandilands says about me.”

But despite her casual attitude, the popular comedienne is understood to be shattered at the jibes. Not only did his cruel comments undermine Magda’s highly publicised efforts to lose weight, they touched on a dark part of her personal history that she has undergone intensive therapy to come to terms with.

In the past, Magda has spoken publicly about how her beloved father was a decorated WWII fighter who was left scarred by experiences helping Polish Jews who were being persecuted.

Public opinion has been firmly behind Magda and anti Kyle, but there is another victim of his latest bullying attack — his long suffering on-air partner, Jackie O.

As our exclusive pictures show, Jackie is now close to cracking after a series of Kyle-led blunders have placed her own livelihood in jeopardy.

Desperately trying to pick up the pieces of her shattered career, Jackie’s life has yet again been thrown into turmoil because of her loud-mouthed radio sidekick.

In addition to the controversies of the past few weeks, Jackie was last week devastated to learn she had been officially voted one of Australia’s most hated personalities — pushing the radio star to near breaking point, and worrying friends who are urging her to break free from Kyle.

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