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The entire internet is freaking out because Steve Carell ‘got hot’

He’s a silver fox, and women across the world are seriously enjoying it.
steve carell

Full disclosure: Unashamedly gratuitous article incoming. Steve Carell, star of The Office, Anchorman, and probably a few of your other favourite comedies, stepped out to promote his new movie Despicable Me 3 last week, and nobody could have predicted the fuss it’d cause.

The 54-year-old was photographed in London on Wednesday, posing with Minions, his co-star Kirsten Wiig and waiting fans. But all eyes were well and truly on him and him alone:

Carrel looked like a preppy, walking, talking GAP advert, dressed in chinos, a round-neck sweater and some hip sunnies. But the accessory that stood out the most and really got people talking was his newly grey hair:

Silver fox alert!

Perhaps thanks to his standard nerdy castings as characters like the world’s most awkward boss Michael Scott in The Office, 40-year-old virgin Andy Stitzer, notorious lamp-lover Brick Tamland in Anchorman or hopeless divorcee Cal Weaver in Crazy Stupid Love, Carell hasn’t typically been considered a Hollywood stud, but if Twitter’s anything to go by, that’s about to change:


And that’s kind of all there is to say on this profound and important matter. As you were, ladies.

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